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Botanical Medicine Posts (BMP)

Since December 24, 2008

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pictures from Lourdes, France (1973)

These pictures were taken in 1973: Legio Maria house and surrounding (Lourdes, France).

Pictures from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: Pictures were Taken in 1986

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah (1986).

Class Picture

My Class Picture in the 5th grade (1965). I still recognize some of the faces. I still remember my teachers. The priest on the left was the President of the School. The teacher in the middle was my Language teacher and the one on the right was my Math teacher.

Images from London, England (1979): The Wax Museum, The "Big Ben", and Others

The Wax Museum (Mohamed Ali and Elvis). The Palace of Westminster and the "Big Ben" Clock. These pictures were taken in 1979.

Have a Good Day

Winter is on its way out. Spring will be here soon. Have a good day.

Old Roman Ruin Structures in Syria

Icy Roads

I reported in a previous Post that Wake County Public Schools were on a 2-hour delay today. Well, they changed their mind. The schools are closed today in Wake County. I can see why. I tried to pull out my car from my driveway and I slid inside my driveway. Icy roads are indeed dangerous.

Snow and Ice in Holly Springs, NC (January 10/11, 2011)

This storm was not as strong as the previous ones. It left about half an inch of "white stuff" on the grassy areas. The pavements are covered with a thin sheet of ice. Wake County Schools are delayed 2 hours this morning. The End.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Satan's Commandment

Satan's Commandment is: You Shall Do as Thy Will.

Commentary on Satan's Commandment: According to Satan, God's Ten Commandments are absolute. They were delivered thousands of years ago by an Egyptian murderer with the name of Moses. The Egyptian authorities expelled him out of Egypt with a bunch of his followers. He and his followers died in the Sinai desert, and their ancestors reached a land now called Israel and Palestine. How could anyone trust a commandment "You Shall Not Kill" delivered by a murderer?

The Devil has a satanic way of convincing the wrong message. If you believe Satan's Commandment and ignore God's Ten Commandments, then you have fallen victim of Satan's deception. Obey the Lord and love Him. He is the Truth. Jesus Christ is the only Truth. Satan is a deceiver. Satan is a liar.

The Holly Catholic Church teaches of the "discernment of the Spirit". That is, always ask yourself about what type of thoughts and emotions you are experiencing. Always take them to the Lord with a prayerful heart. The Holly Spirit shall reveal the truth to you. He is the Source of the Truth. Place your trust in the Holly Spirit. The Spirit of the Truth.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

BP is Coming Back

Following BP oil spill last year, a good number of people stop filling their cars with BP oil. BP is beginning a new campaign targeting BP credit card holders. The plan is that if you use your BP card to fill-up your gas tank, you will receive a "code" to enter it online. After you enter 5 codes online, BP will send you a reward card worth $10. It is a good plan, however, in my area BP gas stations always have their oil price 5-7 cents/gallon higher than other companies oil. By the time I fill-up my tanks 5 times, I already spent that $10, or perhaps more. Good try BP.

What is the Driving Distance Between Holly Springs, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC?

On average, it will take 3 hours and 30 minutes driving time between Holly Springs, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC. The total mileage depends on where you start and where you finish, however, it is about 200 miles door-to-door. A good portion of the road is 70 miles/h, although there are areas where the speed limit drops to 35 miles/h. On average, you will do 60 miles/h for the entire trip.

Color Added!

Did you know that fruits and vegetables can be colored by the distributors to make them look more appealing? I bought a bag of oranges from the food store last week and it there were these two labels "Color Added". In fact, most fruits and vegetables undergo waxing on the surface as well as enhanced coloring process. What's wrong in selling us the fruits as mother nature produces them? Is that too much to ask for.

The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible. It was written by John, one of Jesus' disciples, based on what an angel sent by Jesus to reveal certain happenings to human inhabiting the planet Earth at the end of time. The angel revealed to John facts about how people will suffer major catastrophes, however, at the end the righteous people are the victors. The picture above represents the First Chapter and the beginning of the Second Chapter in the Book of Revelation. The language of the text is in Arabic.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today (January 6, 2011) was Christmas: If You Were An Armenian

Merry Christmas. Today was Christmas Day. The Holly Armenian Orthodox Church celebrates the birth of our Lord on January 6th. Merry Christmas Grandma. I love you.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

e-Library from Wake County, North Carolina

If you live in Wake County, North Carolina, the Library System is now providing FREE, but limited-time, downloads of audio books, ebooks, and more to one of your electronic gadgets. Computers, iPod (c), and Sony (c) Reader (TM) are examples of gadgets that can receive the Library's documents. The only requirement is you need a Library ID from Wake County Library System.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Birds Dying in the United States

The number of incidences of birds dying in mass over the past 30 years was 16. Just the past FEW DAYS, we had TWO events of this sort. What is the probability for that to happen by chance alone? The answer: the probability for two events like this to happen within few days from each other by chance alone is ZERO. Therefore, there must be some mysterious cause for it to happen. The most likely cause is some infectious disease of some sort, like a viral infection.

BMP Pattern # 6

BMP Pattern # 6: Light brown

Birds are Dying in Arkansas and Louisiana

New reports indicate that some 500 birds were found dead in an area in Louisiana. If one would consider the earlier 5000+ birds found dead in Arkansas, one would wonder about the link between these two incidents. It could be that the two incidents are totally unrelated. However, since both events have happened in a matter of few days apart, one would raise the question what could the common denominator be of both incidents? The two areas are far apart geographically from each other. The only common denominator one would logically think of is some disease, perhaps viral, that is currently attacking the bird population. Birds are known to be an early alarming sign for some serious viral infections, such as the West Nile Virus. Could it be that the two incidents share the same cause of birds being infected with some type of virus or bacteria? The CDC is urge to investigate as this could be the warning before the "element" reaches human.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lucia of Fatima

I just finished reading this book. It is written to tell the story of three little children whom the Virgin Mary appeared to them in the Portugal for the first time on May 13, 1917. Read how the Vatican has interacted with the apparitions at Fatima over time. It is a must read for every Catholic, historian, or human being. Read about the Secrets that the Virgin Mary has entrusted the children with. ISBN 978-1-896384-08-5

Warning Sign: Black Birds are Dying in Arkansas

Reports from Arkansas indicating that black birds are falling from the sky by the dozens dead. This could be an early warning signal of a deadly virus, such as the West Nile Virus, is in the area. Usually, birds began to die before the virus is spread to human. The CDC needs to investigate before it is too late.


Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) began broadcasting on cable TV yesterday (January 1, 2011) at noon. I watched a good amount of programs on OWN, and if yesterday is a good representation of OWN, this network is going to be a huge winner. Congratulations to Ms. Oprah Winfrey. On a personal level, I remember seeing Ms. Winfrey the first time on The Color Purple (1985). I knew then that she was going to be a star. A big star that is.

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If you live in the European Union (EU), please read Google's Privacy Policy concerning cookies. This Blog follows this policy. By continuing your visit to this website you indicate your acceptance to this policy. Thank you, friend.

The Ten Commandments

EXODUS 20:1-17 (The Orthodox Study Bible)

"Now the Lord spoke all these words, saying;

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.

You shall not make for yourself an idol or a likeness of anything in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, recompensing the sins of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me; but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: neither you, nor your son, your daughter, your male servant, your female servant, your cattle, nor your stranger who sojourns with you. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it.

Honor your father and mother that it may be well with you, and your days may be long upon the good land the Lord your God is giving you.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his house, and neither shall you covet his field, nor his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, any of his cattle, or whatever belongs to your neighbor."

Bible Dates (The Orthodox Study Bible)

Genesis (Moses) (During Israel's forty years of wandering in the wilderness-the period between crossing the Red Sea and the entrance into Canaan)

Exodus (Moses) (During Israel's forty years of wandering in the wilderness-the period between crossing the Red Sea and the entrance into Canaan)

Leviticus (Moses) (The period during the sojourn at Mt. Sinai)

Numbers (Moses) (Following the exodus from Egypt)

Deuteronomy (Moses) (Near the end of Moses' life and before the entrance into Canaan)

Joshua (Joshua) (600 BC)

The Book of Judges (Samuel) (Three centuries after Israel entered Canaan and covers the period of these centuries)

Ruth (Unknown) (1300 BC)

The First Book of the Kingdoms (Samuel) (1070-970 BC)

The Second Book of the Kingdoms (Samuel) (971-890 BC)

The Third Book of the Kingdoms (Jeremiah) (600-550 BC)

The Fourth Book of the Kingdoms (Jeremiah and Others) (651-609)

The First Book of the Chronicles (Ezra) (450 BC)

The Second Book of the Chronicles (Ezra) ( 450 BC)

The First Book of Ezra (Uncertain) (150 BC)

The Second Book of Ezra (Ezra) (538-410 BC)

The Book of Nehemiah (Nehemiah) (445-425 BC)

The Book of Tobit (Unknown) (400-200 BC)

The Book of Judith (Unknown) (135-105 BC)

The Book of Esther (Mordecai) (450 BC)

The First Book of the Maccabees (Unknown) (104 BC)

The Second Book of the Maccabees (Unknown) (124 BC)

The Book of Psalms (David) (1000-several centuries thereafter)

The Book of Job (Unknown) (1600 BC)

The Proverbs (Solomon) (970-931 BC)

The Book of Ecclesiastes (Solomon) (935 BC)

The Song of Songs (Solomon) (965-960 BC)

The Wisdom of Solomon (Unknown) (30-10 BC)

The Wisdom of Sirach (Jesus of Sirach) (180 BC)

The Book of Hosea (Hosea) (750 BC)

The Book of Amos (Amos) (754 BC)

The Book of Micah (Micah) (Before 720 BC)

The Book of Joel (Joel) (740 BC)

The Book of Obadiah (Obadiah) (587 BC)

The Book of Jonah (Jonah) (784-772 BC)

The Book of Nahum (Nahum) (663-612 BC)

The Book of Habakkuk (Habakkuk) (605 BC)

The Book of Zephaniah (Zephaniah) (627-625 BC)

The Book of Haggai (520 BC)

The Book of Zachariah (Zechariah) (520-480 BC)

The Book of Malachi (Malachi) (500-350 BC)

The Book of Isaiah (Isaiah) (745-680 BC)

The Book of Jeremiah (Jeremiah) (627-582 BC)

The Book of Baruch (Baruch) (After 586 BC)

The Lamentation of Jeremiah (Jeremiah) (October 587-December 587 BC)

The Epistle of Jeremiah (Jeremiah) (597 BC-Exile to Babylon)

The Book of Ezekiel (Ezekiel) (595-572 BC)

The Book of Daniel (Daniel) (605-530 BC)

The Book of Matthew (Matthew) (50-70 AD)

The Book of Mark (Mark) (70 AD)

The Book of Luke (Luke) (70-80 AD)

The Book of John (John) (96 AD)

The Book of Acts (Luke) (75-85 AD)

The Book of Romans (St. Paul) (55-57 AD)

The First Book of the Corinthians (St. Paul) (55 AD)

The Second Book of the Corinthians (St. Paul) (55 AD)

The Book of Galatians (St. Paul) (Uncertain)

The Book of Ephesians (St. Paul) (61-63 AD)

The Book of Philippians (St. Paul) (61-63 AD)

The Book of Colossians (St. Paul) (61-63 AD)

The First Book of Thessalonians (St. Paul) (50-51 AD)

The Second Book of Thessalonians (St. Paul) (51 AD)

The First Book of Timothy (St. Paul) (64-65 AD)

The Second Book of Timothy (St. Paul) (65-67 AD)

The Book of Titus (St. Paul) (63-65 AD)

The Book of Philemon (St. Paul) (61-63 AD)

The Book of Hebrews (St. Paul) (70 AD)

The Book of James (James) (55-60 AD)

The First Book of Peter (Peter) (50-67 AD)

The Second Book of Peter (Peter) (63-67 AD)

The First Book of John (John) (90-95 AD)

The Second Book of John (John) (90-95 AD)

The Third Book of John (John) (90-95 AD)

The Book of Jude (Jude) (60-80 AD)

The Book of the Revelation (John) (81-96 AD)

Reduced risk for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

Studies have found that taking  doxycycline within 72 hours of having unprotected sex reduces significantly the risk of sexually transmitted...


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Commode (1) Common Lungwort (1) Comoros (1) Compassion (1) Competitions (1) Computer Glitch (1) Computer Science (1) Computer Virus (1) Confession (1) Conflict of Interest (1) Conflicts (1) Congestive Heart Failure (1) Congo-Brazzaville (1) Conjugate Acid-base Pair (1) Conservatism (1) Constipation (1) Constitution Week (1) Contact (1) Continuing Medical Education (1) Contractors (1) Conventional Medicine (1) Conversion (1) Coolents (1) Copoclephilist (1) Copyright (1) Coracoid Process (1) Corn Starch (1) Coronavirus-2019 (1) Corticotrophin-releasing Factor (CRF) (1) Cortisol (1) Couscous (1) Cousins (1) Cranberries (1) Cranberry Juice (1) Creatinine (1) Creation (1) Credit Cards (1) Crochet (1) CrowdStrike (1) Crying (1) Crystallized Ginger (1) Cucumber (1) Culture molds (1) Cure for Blindness (1) Curiosity Rove (1) Curiousity Rover (1) Currencies (1) Curried Sweet Potato Soup (1) Cyprus (1) Cyprus's Stamps (1) Czech Republic (1) D-Ribose (1) DAHESH (1) DGL Licorice (1) DMV (1) DNA (1) DNA Blood Test (1) DNC (1) DOW (1) Dagger (1) Dalai Lama (1) Damascus Syria (1) Darapladib (1) Darvocet (1) Darvon (1) Data (1) Dave Ramsey (1) Death Penalty (1) Debate (1) Debt Collectors (1) December 21 (2012) (1) Deciliter (1) Decision Magazine (1) Decisions (1) Deficit (1) Definition of Health (1) Dehydrated Glucose (1) Dementia (1) Democracy (1) Demonstrations (1) Dental Care (1) Dentists (1) Denver (1) Denver Colorado (1) Denzel Washington (1) Dessert (1) Devil (1) Diamond Air (1) Diana (1) Dietary (1) Dieting (1) Dietry Fibers (1) Digestive Problems (1) Digoxin (1) Dimensions (1) Dioxin (1) Diphtheria (1) Diplomacy (1) Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Ads (1) Discover Card (1) Diskettes (1) Disney (1) Disney Characters (1) Dispersant (1) Dispersed Phase (1) Dispersion Medium (1) Django Unchanged (1) Djibouti (1) Dog (1) Doing Good (1) Dolls (1) Dominican Republic (1) Don Lennon (1) Doubt (1) Downers (1) Dr. Benedict Lust (1) Dr. George Alachi (1) Dr. Scholl's (1) Drawings (1) Dreaming (1) Drones (1) Drowsiness (1) Drug Approval Process (1) Drug Resistance (1) Drug Safety (1) Drug Testing (1) Ductal Breast Cancer (1) Dumbo the Movie (1) Dured Laham (1) E. coli (1) EG (1) EG Birthday (1) EGFR (1) EPA (1) EWTN (1) Eagle Scout (1) Earning Your Grades (1) Eastern Box Turtle (1) Ebola Scams (1) Ecclesiasticus (1) Echo System (1) Edit (1) Egypt President (1) Egyptian Singers (1) Egyptian Stamps (1) Elder (1) Elderberry (1) Election Dates in North Carolina (1) Elections 2020 (1) Elections 2024 (1) Electricity (1) Electronics (1) Elements for "Christian Scholarship" (1) Elixirs (1) Elizabeth Edwards (1) Elul (1) Elvis Presley (1) Embryonic Development (1) Emperor Constantine (1) Emulsifying Agents (1) Encyclopedia of Wellness (1) End Time (1) End of the World (1) End-time (1) Endocytosis (1) Endometrial Cancer (1) Endorphins (1) Endothermic Reaction (1) Enemy (1) Enough (1) Environment (1) Environmental Factors (1) Epaenetus (1) Epidemiological Studies (1) Epidernal Growth Factor Receptor (1) Epstein-Barr Virus (1) Equisetum hyemale (1) Equivalent Weight (1) Erectile Dysfunction (1) Erfurt (1) Eriobotrya japonica (1) Erosion (1) Eseential oils (1) Esophageal Cancer (1) Essential Amino Acids (1) Essential Fatty Acids (1) Estimating Taxes (1) Estonia (1) Et en Arcadia Ego (1) Ethics (1) Ethiopia's Stamps (1) Eutectic Mixture (1) Exams (1) Expectations (1) Expenditures (1) Exponential Function (1) External Obliques (1) Extremists (1) Eye Health (1) Facemask (1) Facial Birth Defect (1) Facts. Jesus (1) Fairness (1) Fairy Tales (1) Fall Season (1) Farm Circles (1) Fascia (1) Fast Foods (1) Fast and Furious (1) Father (1) Fatima (1) Fats (1) Fava beans (1) Federal Government (1) Feeling Good (1) Feelings (1) Femur (1) Fences (1) Fever (1) Feverfew (1) Fibromyalgia (1) Fiction (1) Fifteen Greys of Shade (1) Financial Crisis (1) Fire (1) Fire Department (1) First Communion (1) First Convert to Christianity in Asia (1) First-born (1) First-episode Psychosis (1) Flavonoids (1) Flaxseed Oil (1) Flight Turbulence (1) Floaters (1) Florence SC (1) Flossing (1) Flour (1) Flowers in January (1) Fluids (1) Flying Creatures (1) Flying Objects (1) Focused Microwave Thermotherapy (1) Folk Medicine (1) Folkloric Dance (1) Followers (1) Food (1) Food Lion LLC (1) Food Poisoning (1) Foot-long (1) Football (1) Ford Cars (1) Ford Fiesta (1) Ford Fiesta 2017 Model (1) Ford Fiesta Hatchback (1) Foreigners (1) Form 1040 (1) Formula for calculating overall average (1) Fossil (1) Fourth of July (1) Fox News (1) Fracking (1) Francis Scott Key (1) Franklin (1) Fraternity (1) Fraud (1) Fraudulent Text Messaging (1) Frazerburgh (UK) (1) Free Coffee (1) Free Radical Scavengers (1) Freedom Tuesday (1) Fresh Air (1) Frienemy (1) Frogs (1) Frustration (1) Fucus vesiculosus (1) Full House (1) Fusogens (1) Future (1) GED (1) GI (1) GI Images (1) GOP Debate (1) GRIN2A (1) Gallbladder (1) Gambia (1) Garlic Smell (1) Gas (1) Gase (1) Gastric Ulcer (1) Gastrocnemius (1) Gazelle (1) (1) Gel Cushion (1) Gender Difference (1) Gene Therapy (1) General Abdelrahman Fattah al-Burhan (1) Genes Testing (1) Genetic Engineering (1) George Soros (1) Georgia (1) German Commission E (1) Germany's Stamps (1) Ghana Stamps (1) Ghrelin (1) Gibraltar Stamps (1) Gibraltar's Stamps (1) Gifts (1) Gilbraltar's Stamps (1) Ginsenosides (1) Glass Structures (1) Glasses (1) Glen Beck (1) Glitch (1) Global Citizen (1) Global Health (1) Globe (1) Globulin Level (1) Globulins (1) Gloria (1) Glucagon (1) Glucomannan (1) Glucose (1) Glutathione (1) Glycerol (1) Glycerol monolaurate (GML) (1) God Bless America (1) Goleta (USA) (1) Golf (1) Good (1) Good Deeds (1) Good Food (1) Good Friday Song (Arabic) (1) Good News (1) Good Wishings (1) Google Chrome (1) Google Chrome Website Crash Symbol (1) Google+ (1) Gotu kola (1) Government (1) Government Agencies (1) Government Warnings (1) Governor Bill Richardson (1) Governor Mansion (1) Governor Noèl Ballay (1) Governors (1) Grades (1) Graduate Certification (1) Grams/Liter (1) Grand-parents (1) Grape Seed Extract (1) Grave's Disease (1) Great Grandparents (1) Greatness (1) Greek Melkite Catholic Church (1) Greek Sweets (1) Green (1) Green Tea Extract (1) Green bell pepper (1) Green businesses (1) Green products (1) Gregory Peck (1) Grenada (1) Greta Garbo (1) Grudge Match the Movie (1) Guar Gum (1) Guinea (1) Gum Arabic (1) Gut Bacteria or Flora (1) Gymnema sylvestre (1) Gynecomastia (1) H1B Visa (1) H842 Bill NC (1) HIV Test (1) HRT (1) Hackers (1) Haman (1) Hamath (1) Hands (1) Happy Birthday BMP YouTube Channel (1) Happy Diwali (1) Happy Halloween 2021 (1) Happy Holidays (1) Happy July 4th (1) Happy Labor Day (1) Happy Mother's Day (1) Happy New Year 2021 (1) Happy New Year 2023 (1) Happy New Year 2024 (1) Harassing Phone Calls (1) Harassing Text Messages (1) Harmless Snakes (1) Have a Good Week (1) Head (1) Healing Trees (1) Healthcare (1) Hearing (1) Heart (1) Heart Health (1) Heart Rate (1) Heart Toxicity (1) Hebrew (1) Herb/Drug Interactions (1) Herbal Products Selection (1) Herbal Ratio Strength (1) Herbal Resources (1) Herbal Strength (1) Herbal Tinctures (1) Herbevores (1) Herbs for HIV (1) Herbs with Liver Damage (1) Herman Cain (1) Hero (1) Heroes (1) Hezbollah (1) High Blood Glucose (1) High School Diploma (1) High-Fructose Corn Syrup (1) High-fat Diet (1) Higher Altitude Regions (1) Hikikomori (1) Hilkiah the Priest (1) Hindus (1) Hiring Freeze (1) Histamine (1) History (1) Hizballah (1) Hobbies; Veterans (1) Hobby Lobby (1) Hold On Song (1) Holiday Cake (1) Holistic Medicine (1) Holy Spirit (1) Home Remedies (1) Home-kit for HIV (1) Homosexuality (1) (1) Honeymoon (1) Hong Kong (1) Hormone Replacement Therapy (1) Hormones (1) Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium grandiflorum) (1) Horoscope Signs (1) Horse (1) Horsetail (1) Hot Peppers (1) Hot flashes (1) Hourly Wages Increase (1) House Bill 2 (1) House Price (1) Housing (1) How to Get to Heaven? (1) Hugo Chavez (1) Human (1) Humerus (1) Hummus Dip (1) Humulity (1) Hurricane Arthur of 2014 (1) Hurricane Florence (1) Hurricane Florence 2018 (1) Hurricane IRMA (1) Hurricane IRMA 2017 (1) Hurricane IRMA Hits the Carolinas (1) Hurricane Matthew (1) Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (1) Hygeia (1) Hypericum perforatum (1) Hyperthyroidism (1) Hypoglycemia (1) Hypothyroidism (1) Hyssop (1) Hysteria (1) IBS (1) IHOP Restaurants (1) IQ test (1) IRB (1) Ideas (1) Idols (1) Illegal Herbs (1) Image of Guadalupe (1) Imagine (1) Immigrants (1) Immortality (1) Immune Modulators (1) Impotence (1) Inauguration Day of 2009 (1) Inauguration Day of 2021 (1) Inc. (1) Income (1) Indecisiveness (1) Independence Day (1) Independent events (1) Independents (1) India's Stamps (1) Indian Cuisine (1) Indian Nations (1) Indigestion (1) Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Line (1) Infectious Diseases (1) Infertility (1) Inflammation (1) Inflation (1) Infraspinatus (1) Inhaled Insulin (1) Injectables (1) Insects (1) Inspiration (1) Instagram (1) Instagram :Confirm Your Info on the App" (1) Instagram Access (1) Integrative Medicine (1) Intelligence (1) Interfacial Tension (1) Internal Obliques (1) International Court of Justice (ICJ) (1) International Space Station (1) Internet Security (1) Internet TV (1) Intestinal Health (1) Intestinal Spasm (1) Intuitive Machines (1) Invasive Lobular Breast Carcinoma (1) Iodine (1) Ions (1) Iranian War Vessels (1) Ireland's Stamps (1) Irish (1) Iron Absorption (1) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (1) Isaac (1) Isaiah (1) Islamic State (1) Isoleucine (1) Israel Stamps (1) Israel Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Israel Votes (1) Israel. Palestine (1) Israelites (1) JAG Project Group LLC (1) JFK Airport (1) JFK Federal Building (Boston) (1) JP Birthday (1) Jacob (1) Jambul (1) January 2015 (1) Jasmine Flowers (1) Jasmine Tree (1) Jaundice (1) Jeddah (1) Jet Blue Airline (1) Jewish People (1) Jewish Temples (1) Jin Shin Jyutsu (1) Jobless Rate (1) Joe Biden (1) Joel Osteen (1) Johannesburg (1) John McCain (1) John the Baptist (1) Joseph (1) Joseph's Death (1) Joshua (1) Joshua's Death (1) Journalist (1) Joy (1) Judas Iscariot (1) Kelp (1) Kenmore Square (1) Kettleman City (1) Key Rings Collector (1) Kibet (1) Kicking (1) Kidney Cancer (1) Kidneys (1) King Beach California (1) King Hezekiah (1) King Josiah (1) King Rehoboam (1) King Solomon's Throne (1) King of Babylon (1) King of Israel (1) Kirkuk (1) Kitchen's Sink (1) Kofi Annan (1) Kurdish Music (1) Kurdish Patriotic Anthem (1) Kuwait (1) Kuwait's Stamps (1) L (1) L-Carnitine (1) L-Cysteine (1) L-Lysine (1) LEISHMANIASIS (1) Labels (1) Laboratory Results (1) Laboratory Tests (1) Lactobacillus acidophilus (1) Lady Diana (1) Lafayette (1) Lamb (1) Land Owner (1) Laparoscopic Surgery (1) Larry King (1) Las Vegas (1) Latakia Syria (1) Lateral Deltoid (1) Latin America (1) Latissimus Dorsi (1) Laughter (1) Lavandula augutofolia or vera essential oil (1) Laws (1) Laxatives (1) Le Penon (France) (1) Le Salse (France) (1) Lead (1) Learning (1) Learning about our Creator (1) Lebanese Banks (1) Lebanese Saints (1) Lebanese Stamps (1) Lebanon (USA) (1) Lebanon PM (1) Lebanon. Tourists (1) Leeches (1) Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (1) Leg (1) Legio Maria (1) Legionnaire's Disease (1) Lego Store (1) Leknes (Norway) (1) Lemon Juice (1) Lenin (1) Lent (1) Leprosy (1) Les Rasses (1) Let Us Pray (1) Let the Night Shine In (1) Letter of Recommendation (1) Leucine (1) Leukocytes (1) Levator Scapulae (1) Levodopa (1) Levothyroxine. (1) Liberal (1) Liberals (1) Liberation (1) Libertarian Party (1) Liberty (1) Liberty Bell (1) Liberty Hospital (1) Liberty Statue (1) Licorice (1) Life Priorities (1) Lifespan. (1) Ligaments (1) Light-year (1) Linden (1) Lipid Profile (1) Lipids (1) Liquid Crystals (1) Liquids (1) Lisa Mary Presley (1) Liturgie (1) Live the Moment (1) Liver Disease (1) Livistona chinensis (1) Lobelia (1) Local Pain (1) Logs of Wood (1) Lonchocarpus nicou (1) London Airport (1) Lone Star Tick (1) Longevity (1) Longivity (1) Los Pos (1) Lotus Flower (1) Louisiana (1) Lovage (1) Lower Trapezius (1) Lucia dos Santos (1) Lucia of Fatima (1) Lunar New Year (1) Lunar Year (1) Lunar Year of 2004; Happy New Year (1) Lung Embolism (1) Lymph (1) Lymphoma (1) MAGA (1) MBTA MAP (1) MCPHS University (1) MIT (1) MKP-1 (1) MSM Organic Sulfur (1) Maahara (1) Maar El-Elias (1) Maarra (1) Mac (1) Mace (1) Mad (1) Madison (1) Maduro (1) Maggots (1) Maitake (1) Maitake Mushroom (1) Maliana (1) Malic Acid (1) Mama (1) Mammography (1) Manganese (1) Mango (1) Manna (1) Mannheim (Germany) (1) Manuka oil (1) Map (1) Map of the World (1) March 8th (1) March of Dime (1) Margin of Error (1) Marketing (1) Maronite Christians (1) Mars;NASA;NASA Images (1) Marst (1) Martha (1) Martian (1) Martian Civilization (1) Martianology (1) Martyr (1) Masculinity (1) Masks (1) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1) Massacre (1) Massage Session (1) Mastalgia (1) Math (1) Mauritania (1) Maximize Button Is Unresponsive (1) May (1) May 20 2011 (1) Measles (1) Media (1) Median (1) Medical Apartheid (1) Medical Education (1) Medical Marijuana (1) Medical Research (1) Medical Screening (1) Medicare (1) Medications (1) Medicinal Herb Garden (1) Meditation (1) Mediterranean Diet (1) Mediterranean Sea (1) Melilotus officinalis (1) Melkite Greek Catholic Church (1) Melle (Germany) (1) Memories (1) Men (1) Menstrual Cramps (1) Mental Health (1) Menthol (1) Merci Beaucoup (1) Merry Christmas 2022 (1) Merry Christmas 2023 (1) Mesophase (1) Mess (1) Metabolism (1) Metal Flower (1) Metastasis (1) Methotrexate (1) Methuselah (1) Mexican Food (1) Mexican Restaurant (1) Mexico Stamps (1) Mexico Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Miami (1) Mice (1) Michael Jackson (1) Microbial intestinal flora (1) Middle East (1) Middle Eastern News (1) Middle Trapezius (1) Middle-East War (1) Migdal El-Shames (1) Migraine Headache (1) Mike Murdock (1) Milano (Italy) (1) Military Confrontations (1) Military attack (1) Milliequivalence (1) Milliequivalent Weight (1) Milliliter (1) Mind/Body/Spirit (1) Mineral Oil (1) Minerals (1) Miners (1) Minimal Wages (1) Minneapolis (USA) (1) Minoxidil (1) Misdiagnosis (1) Missing Time (1) Mission Beach (San Diego) (1) Missions of NASA on Mars (1) Mitochondria (1) Mob (1) Moderna Vaccine (1) Mohamed Ali (1) Mohamed Morsi (1) Mole/Liter (1) Molecular Dispersions (1) Monday (1) Monkeypox Virus (1) Monkeys (1) Monocyte Chemo-attractant Protein-1 (1) Montserrat's Stamps (1) Moon Landing (1) Morocco Earthquake 9/9/23 (1) Mortality (1) Mortality Rate (1) Mortar and Pestles (1) Mosaic Chahba Thalassa (1) Mother (1) Mother Angelica (1) Mother of God (1) Mother's Day Celebration (1) Motion Sickness (1) Moufasak (1) Mouthwashes (1) Movies (1) Mr. LeDou (1) Mr. Martian (1) Mr. Trump (1) Mt. McKenley (1) Mucin (1) Mucus (1) Mufasah (1) Multi-angular Presentation (MAP)-Martian Art (1) Multifidi (1) Mumps (1) Munster (Germany) (1) Murphey's Law (1) Muscle damage (1) Museum of Science (1) Music (1) Music Therapy (1) Mustache (1) Mutations (1) Mutually Exclusive Events (1) My Ante (1) My Grandma (1) My Health (Lab Data) (1) My Pictures (1) My Son EG (1) My Stamps (1) Myo-inositol (1) Myrna's Message (1) Mystery (1) N-acetylcysteine (1) NASA Images) (1) NASA Imgages (1) NASA Mars Mission (1) NASA. NASA Images (1) NASA; NASA Images; Mars (1) NC History (1) NC State Fair (1) NCCAM (1) NCCIH (1) NSAIDs (1) Nails (1) Nanosilver (1) Napoleon (1) Narcolepsy (1) Nathanael (1) National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) (1) National Debt (1) Natural Emollients (1) Natural Gas (1) Natural Habitat (1) Natural Medicine Protocols (NMP) (1) Natural Poisons (1) Natural Remedies (1) Nausea (1) Nebuzaradan (1) Neck (1) Nectarines (1) Neesan (1) Nefertiti (1) Negative Emotions (1) Nelson Mandela (1) Neomonde Restaurant (1) Neonicotinoid Pesticides (1) Nepal (1) Nephews (1) Nervous System (1) Nettle (1) Neurological Damage (1) Neurons (1) Neuroprotection (1) Nevada (1) New Jersey (1) New Mexico (1) New Species (1) New Tax Bill of 2017 (1) New Year (1) New Zealand (1) New Zealand's Stamps (1) Newton (1) Niacinamide (1) Niaouli essential oil (1) Niburu (1) Nicotinic Acid (1) Night sweats (1) Nightmare (1) Nikki Haley (1) Nitric Oxide (1) Nitrogen (1) Nitrosamines (1) Nizar Kabani (1) Noah's Ark (1) Nobel Price (1) Non-Sense (1) Non-homogenized Milk (1) Non-prescription medication (1) Normal Weight (1) North America (1) Nostalgia (1) Novartis (1) November 11 1978 (1) November 4th 2017 (1) Number 3 (1) Number 7 (1) Number of Jews in Syria (1) Nurses (1) Nursing (1) Nutrients (1) Nutritional Guide (1) OWN (1) Objects (1) Occupy Wall Street (1) Ocean (1) Oil Prices (1) Ointments (1) Olbas Oil (1) Oldenlandia (1) Olive Leaf (1) Olives (1) Olympic Games (1) One Cent (1) Opposites (1) Oprah Winfrey (1) Oprah Winfrey Network First Day (1) Orange Blossoms (1) Orchis Species (1) Orelle (France) (1) Organ Rejection Drugs (1) Organic Foods (1) Oropouche Virus (1) Orthodox Church (1) Osteoblasts (1) Osteoclasts (1) Our Father (1) Our Future (1) Our Heavenly Father (1) Our Lady (1) Our Lady of Tartous (1) Our Past (1) Out-of-the-Body Experience (1) Ovarian Cancer (1) Christmas Ad 2009 (1) P.S. (1) PAM-4 (1) PCSK9 (1) PDA USB Adapter Installation on Windows 98 (1) PEG (1) PEG 3350 (1) PI3K (1) PIXAR (1) Pain (1) Pain relieve (1) Pakistan (1) Palestine TV (1) Palestinians (1) Palladin (1) Panama (1) Panama Stamps (1) Panama Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Pancreatic extract (1) Pantothenic Acid (1) Papain (1) Papaya Leaves (1) Paper Pads (1) Paraguay Stamps (1) Paraguay Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Paralysis (1) Pareidolia (1) Parents (1) Park Street Church (1) Passed Away (1) Passing Over (1) Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim (1) Patriarch Maximus V (1) Patriots (1) Peace Makers (1) Peaches (1) Peanut (1) Pears (1) Pectoralis Major (1) Pepsin (1) Percent Weight Per Volume (%w/v) (1) Perez (1) Perfection (1) Perfectionists (1) Periformis Muscle (1) Peshmerga (1) Peter (1) Pfizer (1) Ph.D. Program (1) Pharmaceutical (1) Philae (1) Philatelits (1) Phone Cards (1) Phone Text Messaging (1) Phony Text Messaging (1) Phospholipase A2 (1) Phospholipids (1) Photographs (1) Phyllanthus (1) Physical Exam (1) Physical Health (1) Physicians (1) Pierce Morgan Show (1) Pilate (1) Pilatelists (1) Pineapple (1) Pipsissewa (Chimaphilia umbellata) (1) Placebo Effect (1) Plan B (1) Planes (1) Planets (1) Plans (1) Planting (1) Plaque (1) Platelets Adhesion (1) Platelets Aggregation (1) Plutonium (1) Pneumonia (1) Poet (1) Poisons (1) Polygamy (1) Polysaccharides (1) Pomegranate Extract (1) Ponds (1) Pope Gregory XVII (1) Pope Shenouda III (1) Popliteal Reagion (1) Popliteus Muscle (1) Populations (1) Portrait (1) Postmenopause (1) Power (1) Power Outage (1) Pray (1) Prayers of the Saints (1) Pre-Diabetes (1) Preachers (1) Premenstrual Syndrome (1) Prepare for Disaster (1) President (1) President Carter (1) President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1) President George W. 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(1) Social Facts (1) Society (1) Soda Drinks (1) Sodium (1) Sodium Acetate (1) Sodium Bicarbonate (1) Soil (1) Sol 1001 (1) Soleus (1) Solids (1) Somalia (1) South Africa Stamps (1) South Africa Stamps (Post # 1) (1) South Aftrica (1) South Korea (1) Southeastern US (1) Soviet Union's Stamps (1) Soy Lecithin (1) Space Pictures Live (1) Spas (1) Speaker's Stand (1) Speed Limit (1) Speed of Sound (1) Sperm Count (1) Sphinx (1) Spices (1) Spinach (1) Spinal Erectors (1) Splenius Capitis (1) Splenius Cervicis (1) Spontaneous Healing (1) Spouse (1) Spy Chinese Balloon Shot Down (1) St. Anthony of Padua (1) St. Augustine (1) St. Elias (1) St. Helena (1) St. Helena Stamps (1) St. Ignatius of Laconi (1) St. Joseph (1) St. Madeleine Sophie Barat (1) St. Paul (1) Stamps Cellection (1) Stamps Collector (1) Stamps Cost (1) Stamps Removal (1) Stamps prices (1) Stamps; Worldwide Stamps (1) Standard Deviation (1) Standard Operating Procedure (1) Stange Happenings (1) Star (1) Star Trek (1) Star Wars the Movie (1) State House (Massachusetts) (1) State of Health (1) State of Kuwait (1) States of Matter (1) Statue of Liberty (1) Stephen (1) Sterile Water for Injection (1) Sternocleidomastoid (1) Stetson University (1) Stevia (1) Stocks (1) Stones (1) Stool (1) Store Cards (1) Straight (1) Straight Flush (1) Strange Incidents (1) Strawberries (1) Strawberry (1) Stress Reduction (1) Strong Life (1) Students (1) Studying the Bible and HollYour y Books (1) Studying the Bible and Holly Books (1) Stuffing (1) Sudan Capital (1) Sudan Stamps (1) Sudanese Airforce (1) Suffolk University (1) Suicide (1) Sulforaphane (1) Sulfur (1) Summer (1) Summit (1) Sun Exposure (1) Sun Flares (1) Super Tuesday (1) Superbugs (1) Superdelegates (1) Supply Chain (1) Suppositories (1) Surveys (1) Suzette Cirigliano (1) Swaziland (1) Sweet clover (1) Sweet taste (1) Sweeteners (1) Swine Flu Vaccine (1) Symbols of Courage (1) Symmetry (1) Syria & Turkey (1) Syria Civil War (1) Syria Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Syria Stamps (Post # 2) (1) Syria Stamps Philatelic (1) Syria Stamps. Mosaic (1) Syria Stamps. Stamps (1) Syria's Civil War (1) Syria. Nike (1) Syrian Bread (1) Syrian Christians (1) Syrian National Anthem (1) Syrian Songs (1) Syrian's TV (1) Syringes (1) Syzygium Cumini (1) Szeged (Hungary) (1) T Ticket (1) T-4 (1) TTO (1) TWC (1) Taaz (1) Tablets (1) Tae Kwon Do (1) Tahrir (1) Tamar (1) Tamarind (1) Tannins (1) Tarragon (1) Taurine (1) Tea Infusion (1) Team USA (1) Technology (1) Tele Lumiere (1) Telephone (1) Tendons (1) Terminalia catappa (1) Terres Minor (1) Test for Prostate Cancer (1) Testing (1) Testosterone (1) Teta (1) Tetracycline (1) Tetris (1) Texas (1) Texas Instrument (1) Text Messaging (1) Thank You (1) Thank You Lord (1) Thanks to God (1) Thanksgiving Holiday (1) The 46th President of the United States (1) The American Philatelic Society (1) The American Red Cross (1) The Avengers (1) The Bathroom Bill (1) The Beach (1) The Book of 4 Kingdoms (1) The Book of Ecclesiastes (1) The Book of Law (1) The Book of Ruth (1) The Book of Sirach (1) The Book of the Law of the Lord (1) The Busiest Day for Shopping (1) The Celestine Prophecy (1) The Charlotte Bathroom Bill (1) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (1) The City of Bethlehem (1) The City of Homs (1) The Color Purple (1) The Common Cold (1) The Copper Serpent (1) The Creator (1) The Dark Knight Rises (1) The Deltoids (1) The Demon (1) The Devil (1) The End (1) The End of BMP (1) The European Space Agency (Esa) (1) The First Woman Nominee for President of the USA (1) The Fly (1) The Four Horsemen (1) The Future (1) The Good Samaritan (1) The Great Two Rivers (1) The Holly Family (1) The House of the Lord (1) The Human Body (1) The Lamb (1) The Laws of Thermodynamics (1) The Lord's Prayer (1) The Mandela Effect (1) The Marriage Act (1) The Martians (1) The Middle East (1) The Mishnah (1) The Month of March (1) The National Anthem (1) The National Anthem of the United States of America (1) The Netherlands' Stamps (1) The Noachide Laws (1) The Noahide Laws (1) The Palace of Westminster (1) The Point Church (1) The President of the United States (1) The Purgatory (1) The Refugees' Ban (1) The Rotators (Muscles) (1) The Second Coming (1) The Senate (1) The Sequester (1) The Sin of Jeroboam (1) The Sin of Pride (1) The Skull (1) The Speaker of the House of Representatives (1) The Star-Spangled Banner (1) The Talmud (1) The Twelve Nations of Ishmael (1) The US Cent (1) The United States Pharmacopieal Convention Inc. (1) The Universe (1) The University of Northern Michigan (1) The University of Washington's Medicinal Herb Garden (1) The Vascular System (1) The Way (1) The Weight of National Weight (1) The Westin (1) The Year of the Rabbit (1) The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics (1) Theater (1) Theory of Relativity (1) Therapeutic Bodywork (1) Thermometry (1) Thorax (1) Thoughts (1) Thuja (1) Thujone (1) Thymol (1) Thymus Gland (1) Thyroid (1) Thyroid Health (1) Thyroidectomy (1) Thyroxin (1) Thyroxine Stimulating Hormone (1) Tibetans (1) Tickets (1) Tiger (1) Tinnitus (1) Tiredness (1) To Kill A Mockingbird (1) Toddler (1) Togo's Stamps (1) Tolemeres (1) Tomatoes Extract (1) Tongue Brushing (1) Toothache (1) Toothpastes (1) Topical Applications (1) Tornado (1) Torture (1) Torvetrapib (1) Touch Therapy (1) Tourism (1) Toxic Environment (1) Toys (1) Toys Story 3 (1) Tragedy (1) Training Programs (1) Training in Holistic Health (1) Trains (1) Transfiguration (1) Transgenders (1) Transnitria (1) Trastuzumab-DM1 (1) Travel (1) Treatment for Prostate Cancer (1) Treemap (1) Tremor (1) Triceps (1) Trident 1E jet planes (1) Trinity School of Natural Health (1) Trip to Palmyra (1) Tristan Da Cunha Stamps (1) Tristan Da Cunha Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Tropical Almond Tree (1) Trouble (1) Truth (1) Tryptophan (1) Turmeric (1) Turmoil (1) Turtles (1) Type 1 Diabetes (1) Tyrosine (1) U.S. Post Office (1) U.S. Soccer Federation (1) U.S. Soccer Federation Logo (1) U.S.A. (1) UAE (1) UFOs (1) UK (1) UN Secretary General (1) UNC (1) US Airforce (1) US Congress (1) US Penny (1) US Stamps (1) USA Stamps Post # 1 (1) USA Stamps. My Stamps Collection (1) USA Stamps. Newspaper Boys (1) USA Stamps. Philately (1) USB (1) USP (1) UV Light (1) Uganda (1) Ulcerative Colitis (1) Ulcers (1) Umami taste (1) United Arab Republic Stamps (1) United Arab Republic's Stamps (1) United Arab States (UAS) (1) United Nations' Stamps (1) United States Postal Service (1) United States Stamps; USA (1) Unity (1) University of Notre Dame (1) University of Otago (New Zealand) (1) University of Tartu (1) University of Virginia (1) Unknown (1) Unsaturated Fatty Acids (1) Unsure (1) Update Patch (1) Upper GI Endoscopy (1) Upper Trapezius (1) Urgent Care (1) Urinary Antiseptic Agent (1) Urologist (1) Urtica dioica (1) Uruguay (1) Uruguay Stamps (1) Uruguay Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Utah (1) Vaccination (1) Vaccine (1) Vaccum (1) Vaginal Yeast Infection (1) Vaginal dryness (1) Valasta (1) Valentine (1) Valine (1) Vasodilators (1) Vatican (1) Vatican City (1) Vegas World Down (1) Vegetarians (1) Venezuela Stamps (Post # 1) (1) Venom (1) Venuzeula (1) Verizon (1) Vervain (1) Veterans' Day (1) Viagra (1) Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris (1) Video (1) Viisions (1) Violence (1) Viral Mode of Entry (1) Viral infections (1) Virgin Islands' Stamps (1) Virginia (1) Virginia Dare (1) Virginity (1) Virus (1) Viscosity (1) Visions (1) Vitamin B (1) Vitamin B1 (1) Vitamin B12 (1) Vitex Agnus Cactus (1) Vladimir Putin (1) Volatile oils (1) Volcanoes (1) Volume (1) Vomiting (1) Voodoo (1) Vorticella Feeding (1) Vote 2012 (1) Vote 2018 (1) Wake Tech Community College (1) Walmart (1) Wanbee (1) War in Sudan (1) Warfarin (1) Warts (1) Washington D.C. 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(1) Widom (1) Wild Animals (1) Wild Cactus (1) Wild Life (1) Wild Margoram (1) Windows (1) Windows 10 (1) Windows 8 (1) Windows 98 (1) Winter Spring (1) Wintery Precipitate (1) Wisconsin (1) Wisdom of Solomon II (1) Wolf of Wall Street (1) Women (1) Wonderful World (1) Wood (1) Word (1) World (1) World Cup in Soccer (1) World Health Organization (1) World War II (1) World's Bank (1) World's Population (1) Worries (1) Worries Beads (1) Wounds (1) Wright Brothers Plane (1) Wrinkle Treatment (1) Wrist Extensors (1) Wrist Flexors (1) X-ray (1) Xenophobia (1) Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus (1) Xi Jinping (1) Ya Bent El Sultan (1) Yeast Infection (1) Yeasts (1) Yes I Can (1) Yoga (1) YouTube BMP Channel (1) Young Age (1) Yugoslavia (1) Yugoslavia Stamps (1) Z-Scores (1) Zanzibar (1) Zedekiah (1) Zerah (1) Zika Virus (1) Zinc Sulfate (1) Zinc; Man's Health; Minerals (1) Zip Code (1) Zombies (1) Zoo (1) Zsa Zsa Gabor (1) Zyrtec (1) Zyrtec Commercial (1) adrenal hormones (1) alachi (1) antiphlogistics (1) autism (1) carnitine palmitoyltransferase (1) compounding pharmacy (1) conjugated linoleic acids (1) e-mail (1) eBooks (1) ebay (1) g (1) gardening (1) heart tonics (1) herb/herb interactions (1) iPS (1) licorice roots (1) mOsmol/L Calculation (1) methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (1) microRNA (1) (1) nerve tonics (1) non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (1) p Value (1) pH Calculations (1) pH of Vinegar (1) phosphorous (1) quid pro quo (1) (1) steroidal hormones (1) tamps (1) (1) weather balloon (1) 复活节快乐 (1)

Martians 15

Martians 15
A Face of A Martian (NASA Images)

Martians (5)

Martians (5)
A Martian Lion (NASA Images)

Martians (6)

Martians (6)
Figures of Martians Printed on Sands (Mars/Sol 1207/NASA Images)

Martians (7)

Martians (7)
A Dino Imprint on Sands on Planet Mars (NASA Images/Sol 1207)

Martians (8)

Martians (8)
Santa Clause is Coming to (Martian) Town (NASA Images)

Martians (9)

Martians (9)
Martian Sandman (Ignor the rocks and focus on the sands) (NASA Images)

Martians (10)

Martians (10)
A Hologram of a Man (Martian) in Sands (NASA Images)

Martian (11)

Martian (11)
Martian Figures Printed on Sand (NASA Images)

Martians (14)

Martians (14)
NASA Images: Imprints on Martian Rocks

Martians (12)

Martians (12)
A little Martian guy printed in sand (NASA Images)

Martians 13

Martians 13
A head statue found on Mars (NASA Images)
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Northeastern University Alumnus

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